The town in the background appears to be Spoleto in the Umbria region of Italy and is almost unique in Poussin's oeuvre for its possible true-to-life depiction of the landscape. Rita remained at the monastery until her death. According to legend, Rita was subsequently transported into the Convent of Mary Magdalen via levitation into the courtyard.

Rita implored her three patron saints to assist her, and she was able to resolve the conflict between the two warring families. Rita Catholic Parish is a community that lives by faith, is known by love, and is a voice of hope. But her parents arranged a marriage for her in order to provide safety and security, and so Rita obediently married Paolo Mancini with whom she had two sons. Rita's body was incorrupt and that it was seen on more than one occasion to rise up in its casket (ibid., 231-32). It was January, but when the cousin went into the garden she found a rose blooming, which she plucked and took to the saint. The nuns tasked her with reconciling her family with her husband’s murderers before they would accept her. Baptised in the church of St Augustine in Cascia, Rita became acquainted with the local Augustinian nuns of St Mary Magdalene Monastery and was attracted to their way of life. Rita asked for a rose from the garden of her former home. In these cases, pray to the patron saints of impossible causes: St. After his death, Rita attempted to enter the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalen in Cascia, near her hometown of Spoleto but was turned away because of the scandal of her husband’s murder. The 4 Patron Saints of Impossible Causes There are instances in every person’s life when it seems that a problem is insurmountable or a cross is unbearable. Despite his changes in character, Mancini was betrayed and stabbed to death. During their eighteen-year marriage, Rita endured her husband’s physical and emotional abuse but, over time, converted Paolo through her humility, kindness, and patience. Despite her repeated requests to be allowed to enter a convent, her parents arranged her marriage to the rich but immoral nobleman Paolo Mancini at the age of twelve. Saint Rita of Cascia (1381-1457) was an Italian Catholic nun, who was canonised in 1900, 443 years after her death. Founded in 1907 by the Augustinian Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia is a Roman Catholic community of prayer and worship located in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.