Newton laws of motion project
Newton laws of motion project

newton laws of motion project

newton laws of motion project

After the collision, the computer will display a graph of "force vs.Adjust the push if the peak force values are much smaller than or much larger than this range. Peak force values between about 8 and 20 N should be observed in a typical trial. Give one cart a small shove, release the cart, and observe the collision. Hit the "Collect" button (the green arrow) before pushing one cart toward the other.The other cart will be given an initial velocity toward the stationary cart so that the carts collide. Designate one cart to be stationary prior to the collision. The first collision involves carts of equal mass.If only one is wrong, go to the "Experiment menu" and select "Setup Sensors." Choose the appropriate force sensor and select "Reverse Direction.".If both are wrong, simply reverse the position of the cart.Push in on the force sensor mounted on the left of the cart this should result in a negative force reading. Push in on the force sensor mounted on the right of the cart this should result in a positive force reading.Check to see that the positive direction ( i.e., to the right) is defined appropriately for each force sensor.


Zero the force sensors before each trial by pushing the "Zero" button next to the green arrow that starts data collection.Set each force sensor on the 50-N setting.Screw a rubber bumper ( Figure 1) into each force sensor.

Newton laws of motion project